Easy Finance Loan recognizes the importance of keeping the personal information you provide to us private and secure. Easy Finance Loan has developed a comprehensive privacy policy and we use the latest technology to ensure that your personal information is secure.

Privacy State

The personal, private information you provide to Easy Finance Loan will be used in connection with processing, underwriting, funding and servicing the loan for which you applied for. Easy Finance Loan does not share any information about you or your company to unaffiliated third parties, except as necessary to process, underwrite, fund and service your loan and as permitted by law. Easy Finance Loan may share information regarding your transaction and account experience, including name and payment history, among our affiliated financial services companies to better serve your needs and notify you of financial services that might interest you, as permitted by applicable law. Easy Finance Loan does not share, distribute, sell or otherwise disseminate any information about you or your company, except as detailed above.


At certain places on this site, live “links” to other Internet addresses can be accessed (“Linked Sites”). Such Linked Sites contain information created, published, maintained, or otherwise posted by institutions or organizations independent of Easy Finance Loan does not endorse, approve, certify or control these Linked Sites and does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, efficacy, timeliness or correct sequencing of information that they contain. Easy Finance Loan’s Privacy Policy does not apply to these Linked Sites. The privacy policies of these Linked Sites may differ from Easy Finance Loan’s, and you should review their polices before accessing them and/or submitting information.


The purpose of this section is to explain how Easy Finance Loan protects and uses your personal information when using this site. We want you to know that information given to us is safe, secure and used in a responsible manner. We designed features of our site to let new visitors anonymously learn about our financial products and services without revealing their identities. For these new visitors, the only information we collect online is from cookies, pixel tags or similar devices, which provide limited data, such as the date, time and areas of our site that were visited, interactions on the site, and the Web path/domain where the visitor came from. Community uses this information only to recognize you and hold information during your visit to the site. This general information allows us to serve visitors better by continually improving our Web site and making it more convenient. In certain cases, you can choose not to provide us with the information, for example by setting your browser to refuse to accept cookies, but if you do you may be unable to access certain portions of the site. We may not be able to customize the site’s features according to your preferences.
If you decide to submit a loan payment to us on the Internet using our site, you may be asked to enter personal information online. We use advanced data-encryption and storage technology to protect your sensitive personal information. When you enter this information on the Community website, our systems automatically switch to “secure” mode.
Recent versions of most Internet browsers support the encrypted transmission of on-line documents and the data you enter on a web page. This means that instead of sending readable text, both your browser and the web site’s secure server encode all text using a security key. That way, personal data sent to your browser or data you send back would be extremely difficult to decode in the unlikely event it was intercepted by an unauthorized party. The key used for encoding is a random number that is unique to your session at the secure web site.
We maintain commercially reasonable security measures to protect the personal information we collect and store from loss, misuse, destruction, or unauthorized access. Our security includes physical, administrative, and technology-based measures. We use industry-standard encryption to protect data in transit and at rest. Our internal policies and procedures impose a number of standards to safeguard the confidentiality of personal information, prohibit the unlawful disclosure of personal information, and limit access to personal information. While we undertake these security measures, you acknowledge that no security measure or modality of data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. We take security seriously; however, you should not expect that any personal information provided to us through the Site is free from the risk posed by unauthorized access.
Your Internet session is encrypted if your security-enabled browser is connected to a web site using the Secure Hypertext Transport Protocol. URL strings beginning with “HTTPS://” instead of the usual “HTTP://” indicate that the secure protocol is in effect. Your browser may also tell you if security is operating. For example, Netscape Navigator may display the icon in the lower left corner of your screen in secure mode. If 128-bit security is in effect, it shows the icon. Microsoft Internet Explorer shows an icon in either case. Note that security may be operating without any visible indication if the web page you are viewing employs frames (see below). If secure transmission is not in effect or only part of a frame-based page is secure, Netscape shows the “broken key” icon, and Explorer does not show the “lock” icon.
Most browsers can be set to give you a pop-up announcement when you enter or leave a secure web page. In Netscape, these settings are on the Security Preferences “General” tab. In IE, the setting is on the “Advanced” tab when you select “Options” on the View menu. Security may be operating without displaying any security icons (or Netscape may show the “broken key” icon) if only part of a frame-based page is employing security. You can verify the security of page within a frame by opening it in a new browser window. Both IE and Netscape allow you to open a link in a new window by right-clicking on the link and selecting that option from the pop-up context menu. When a secure page is open in its own window, instead of being viewed within a frame, you can then see the sec